picture of Hybrid Bridge



Fiberline Building Profiles A/S


Hybrid bridge with Fiberline HD planks, translucent Length: 28,5 m Width 5 m Load: pedestrian bridge


  • Long lifetime
  • Low weight
  • High Strength
  • Corrosion-free

Beam of light guides pedestrians across dark waters

Despite its modest size, the bridge in the Spanish town of Zumaia near Bilbao is worth a closer look. Particularly at night when the illumination of the bridge becomes an integral part of both the architecture and infrastructure of the town.

The bridge, which crosses Zumaia's canal, is clad with Lay Light translucent GFRP, and the passage of light through causes the fibres within to become visible. Both the deck and sides of the bridge are clad with Lay Light, and in the daytime the sun therefore shines right through the bridge. The light, greenish tone of the GFRP means that the bridge blends naturally with both the canal and the rest of the surroundings.

At night, however, the bridge is transformed into a beam of light, which is visible from afar and guides pedestrians and cyclists safely across the dark canal that separates the two parts of the town. The bridge is lined on the inside with LED light tubes which illuminate the translucent GFRP and cause the whole bridge to glow. In addition to its architectural qualities, fibreglass is 100% non-corrosive and therefore ideal for use in proximity to water.


picture of Hybrid Bridge
picture of Hybrid Bridge