Gfrp Platform



Fiberline Building Profiles A/S and Ilecsys Rail


Gratings, U-profiles and handrails, all made of fibreglass.


  • Easy assembly
  • Easy to handle
  • Corrosion-free
  • Low weight
  • Electrical insulation

New railway platform built in one day!

A new fibreglass platform on the British railway network was built in a single day – without the use of costly railway vehicles and with minimum disruption to train traffic. This helped reduce overall construction costs for the end customer, Network Rail.

The platform, which was built by our partner Ilecsys Rail, was installed at Harrowden & Wellingborough, north of London, and will be used for points heating transformers and cubicles. The platform will make conditions more safe and secure for railway staff when inspecting the installation.

Quick construction reduces costs

Our glassfibre products are non-electrically conductive and suitable for use along the railway, as they do not require earthing. This not only reduces construction time but also means that future maintenance costs can be reduced.

“The turnkey solution of the FRP platform and concrete free foundation allowed for the Points Heating platforms to be installed during day working shifts. By hand carrying all components and assembling on site this removed the requirement for any RRV (Road Rail Vehicle) movements," Lewis Westbury, Managing Director, Ilecsys Rail

The platform was built in Q4, 2019. Ilecsys Rail used Fiberline gratings, U-profiles and handrails, all made of certified fibreglass.

Top quality and a long life

Our fibreglass profiles and gratings are also corrosion-free and offer a long lifetime even in spite of the impact from weather and dynamic traffic in the vicinity.

“The solution was in-keeping with Network Rail’s CP6 resilience targets by offering a lightweight, robust, earth free, hand potable solution. The foundation system was installed and the platform erected in under two days. The platform was designed in-house using the high quality, fully CE certified Fiberline profiles and grating,”  Lewis Westbury, Managing Director adds.

All of our fibreglass profiles are certified in accordance with accepted standards, including CE, the German aBG standard and EN13706. This is your guarantee for a high, consistent quality every time you shop with us.

A sustainable alternative

The low weight not only makes it easy to handle our products and the complete solutions of which they form a part, but also reduces both resource consumption and CO2 emissions. Energy-efficient production processes and materials that last for a long time without the need for maintenance allow us to form a part of our customers' sustainable value chains.