Fiberline Building Profiles A/S
Planks HD: A heavy-duty plank, typically used as decks for bridges with higher loads, such as cycle and foot bridges.
One of northern Europe’s largest sewage treatment plants – Lynetten in Copenhagen - replaced aluminium planks with composite planks from Fiberline. The existing planks were worn out with corrosion – the new ones will last the course.
The covers for the aeration tanks at Copenhagen’s Lynetten sewage treatment plant have to meet very tough requirements. The air inside the tanks is filled with hydrogen sulphide and other aggressive gases, and conventional materials buckle under the strain, with considerable risk to safety.
A decision was therefore taken to replace 1200 m² of heavily corroded aluminium planking with new HD Planks from Fiberline. Lynetten’s project manager Kenn Overgaard has no regrets:
“The impact of Lynetten’s harsh environment on aluminium and galvanized structures is visible everywhere at the plant. But not only aluminium planks are affected. In no time at all, hinges and fittings also become heavily corroded. As we see it, the best long-term solution is therefore to replace aluminium with fibreglass composite which is resistant to gases like hydrogen sulphide,” says Kenn Overgaard.
Fiberline is currently experiencing a surge of interest in its composite planks. Technical Solution Manager Klaus Folkmann believes there are several reasons for this:
“First of all, many customers are now alive to the advantages offered by composite: low weight, zero corrosion, and chemical resistance combined with high strength. And second, customers are increasingly mindful of the environmental aspects. For example, composites are significantly less energy-intensive to manufacture than conventional materials.”
Composite planks from Fiberline also have major advantages when it comes to machining. Composite can be sawn, cut and drilled using ordinary power tools. This not only minimizes installation costs, but also means that subsequent adjustments can be made without the use of expensive specialist equipment.
Lynetten receives sewage from a population of around 650,000.
Organic components, phosphorous and nitrogen are first removed by means of mechanical, biological and chemical processes, after which the treated sewage is discharged into the sea through two 1.5 km long outfall pipes.
The pipes are equipped with diffusers to ensure effective mixture of treated water and seawater.
Learn more about GRP fibreglass for wastewater and chemical plants.